I had an idea to integrate this song I wrote with the fruitlessness of ruin. I write music from my heart, as catharsis, without an end goal. This song in particular was written last year, and combines so many themes from my experiences that titling it was nearly impossible, though I finally came to an internal consensus. I never compose to sell, I only compose to feel. I've had less-than-great experiences sharing my music in the past, because it's written for me, but others have asked me to share my music, so I figure... if I'm still writing after 17 years, there's really no reason not to share.
Thanks to Brendan & Stelaki for their help with this video. We experimented with some mic options (because, really, buttloads of equipment is not fun), but ultimately did not use the lav mic attached to me. It looks neat, though.

Sea Levels / Life Rafts Demo from CARYN SANDOVAL on Vimeo.