After about 6 months of healing from multiple injuries (ITBS in the right leg, tibialis posterior tendonitis in left), I was able to race again yesterday!

Brazen's Tarantula Run in Brentwood crests 1200 feet, with ~2500 total feet in climb, overlooking rolling grassy hills, the Los Vaqueros reservoir, the delta, and Mt. Diablo. It was stunning.

Morning didn't start out so great. I managed to sever my Osprey hydration pack's water line by slamming it in my car door 10 minutes before the race. Apologies to all nearby for my... somewhat loud reaction of "Are you effing KIDDING ME?"

I pushed it much harder than I had planned in the race, perhaps due to the earlier frustrations. The adrenaline and pace kicked in after the grueling initial climb, and I found myself air-drumming in happiness. LOVE the freedom despite being on a course!

My injuries did not perturb me. Ankle stayed put with my wrap, and my IT band only mildly ached after the run. Pool running and yoga are the way to recovery.

Final time: 1:56:12, pace 8:43 mi/min.  Proud of that pace - hills and all! And most importantly: Zero injuries and little pain.

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